A Day in the Life of a Dive Guy: Aquatic Weed Removal Adventures

A Day in the Life of a Dive Guy: Aquatic Weed Removal Adventures


During the summer of 2020, I had an incredible job with Dive Guys Aquatic Weed Removal, LLC in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Our mission was to help lakefront property owners keep their waterfronts clean and clear of invasive aquatic weeds. Here’s a glimpse into a typical day in the life of a Dive Guy.

A Day in the Life

Our day would start bright and early. By 7 AM, the crew would gather at the dive shop to load up our gear. This included wetsuits, SCUBA tanks, masks, fins, and specialized tools for weed removal. After a quick briefing and equipment check, we’d head out to our assigned lake.

Upon arrival to the site, we’d meet with the property owner to discuss specific areas of concern and any particular instructions they had. It was always exciting to see the different lakefront properties and meet the people who lived there. Each job had its unique challenges and quirks, keeping our work interesting.

Once briefed, we’d suit up and get ready to dive. This process involved donning our wetsuits, checking our tanks and regulators, and ensuring we had all the necessary tools. Safety was always a top priority, so we’d double-check everything before getting in the water.

For the actual weed removal, we’d dive down to the lakebed, using our hands and specialized tools to uproot the weeds. It was essential to remove the entire plant, roots and all, to prevent regrowth. This task required both strength and finesse, as some weeds were stubborn and deeply rooted.

One memorable day, we had Agriculture Food and Natural Resource instructor Brad Novacheck join us. As a member of the Future Farmers of America, Brad was passionate about environmental stewardship. Despite never having SCUBA dove before, he was eager to learn and help out. I gave him a brief rundown of how to use the equipment and shared all the Dive Guys Aquatic Weed Removal tips and tricks. Brad picked a great day to join us and was a natural underwater!

Agriculture Food and Natural Resource instructor, Brad Novacheck, joined the crew for a trip to clean weeds! As a member of the Future Farmers of America, he cares about participating and teaching youth to be environmentally mindful—like getting down and wet to uproot weeds instead of treating them with chemicals.

After a few hours of diving and weed pulling, we’d take a break for lunch. This was a chance to relax, rehydrate, and share stories from the morning’s work. It was also a good time to review our progress and plan the afternoon’s tasks.

In the afternoon, we’d head back into the water to continue the job. The work could be tiring, but it was also incredibly rewarding. Seeing the difference we made in the clarity and health of the water was always satisfying. Plus, being underwater in the summer heat was a fantastic way to stay cool.

By late afternoon, we’d finish up the day’s work, ensuring we collected all the removed weeds and properly disposed of them. We’d then clean and pack up our gear, leaving the property as pristine as we found it. Before heading back, we’d often have a final chat with the property owner, who was usually thrilled with the results.


Working with Dive Guys Aquatic Weed Removal was an unforgettable experience. It combined my love for diving with environmental stewardship, all while helping people enjoy their lakefront properties. The job taught me a lot about teamwork, problem-solving, and the importance of preserving our natural resources. Plus, the adventures and stories from each dive made every day unique and memorable.

If you ever find yourself looking for a summer job that’s both challenging and fun, I highly recommend becoming a Dive Guy. It’s an experience you won’t forget! Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions or want to share your own aquatic adventures. Happy diving!
